Derived Investment Value (DIV)


Categories: Company Valuation

Derived Investment Value (DIV) is a method one can use to calculate the net present value of liquidated assets.


The present value is calculating today’s costs as well as the costs in the future, but discounted either by inflation and/or interest rates.

For instance, Grandma’s complaining how her cold cream used to cost $0.50 and now costs $5.00 is an example of how inflation changes buying power. If she thought she could save $0.50 cents for years and it would still pay for that cold cream, it's because she didn’t calculate the present value, discounting for inflation. Silly Grandma. If only she invested that money instead of keeping it under her mattress...

We say “net” present value because we’re subtracting out the costs of liquidation. Which means we should just be left with what we can pocket (or if it’s negative, the total loss, including costs of liquidation).

DIV became a thing when big banks super-messed-up in the 80s and 90s, causing a governmental organization to have to come up with a way to sort through the mess of assets that they needed to liquidate to set everything right.

Aren’t you glad you weren’t in charge of that mess?

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Finance: What is Fair Market Value?3 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is fair market value? double bubble toil and trouble [Man casting a curse]


what is the fair price of this pile of rubble so this term revolves around the


notion of fair like what is fair and by the way who told you the world was fair


anyway all right but financially fair or at least fair market means what the


market will fairly and legally pay for an asset that's fair and so that means [Man discussing financial fair]


fair as in not cash from a Somalian warlords leather briefcase but rather


fair as in the legitimate selling price of this excellent two-bedroom three-bath


shoebox in Palo Alto selling for 3 million dollars today for something to


be "of fair market" the buyer has to be knowledgeable and


unpressured i.e the somalian warlord does not in fact have a gun aimed


at the buyers head or any other body part and generally speaking [Gun aims at buyers body parts]


the market itself has to be a legitimate market like real estate or jewelry or


stocks or bonds or whatever if it's an illegitimate market well it's a probably


wondering why it was born out of wedlock so you can't do that


when you assess fair market value things have to be legal and liquid and well


fair whatever the market will pay for it that's the fair value [Hand dealing out cash]

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