Economic Calendar


If you’re bored and looking for action in the market...or you're figuring out when to rebalance your portfolio and plan trades, you’ll want to take a look at the economic calendar. While it’s no crystal ball for what will happen in the stock market, it can still be helpful. The economic calendar is a calendar of events (ones that we know will happen) that might affect the stock market, either a small part of it or the whole lot.

Why would you care about said calendar? Because events happen on a scheduled set of intervals. Quarterly reports are given at a set time, on a set date, n months from now, and when they are given, they usually engender a ton of trading. People carry different views of the report. They trade their shares. They rethink. And in all of this reconsideration, volume or liquidity is generated, making it usually relatively easy for investors to then get in and out of their positions.

For the most part, the economic calendar shows when a bunch of reports come out (financial and economic reports, like from the Fed and specific market sectors), and predictions of financial or economic events that might happen based on observation.

Take a look for yourself: economic calendars are on a ton of financial websites across the web, for free. Keep in mind though...everyone else (well, for the people who are paying attention) are looking at the economic calendar too. This might make it part tracker and part self-fulfilling prophecy. But that’s not the economic calendar’s’s just aggregating information, making it nice and accessible to all. Hurrah for free things on the internet.

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Finance: What are a 10K and 10Q?57 Views


finance a la shmoop what are 10K and 10Q filings well as the pros say 10Q


very much yeah you know we had to go there sorry well they're just filings a [Girl filing her fingernails]


different kind of filings legal filings papers or data


well the 10K is the annual report and the 10Q is the quarterly report their


note the Q in there yeah very clever naming their people well we have no idea


why the K is there like shouldn't it have been a 10A fling equals annual


anyway the filings contain the key elements that report to shareholders the [Man giving presentation to shareholders]


progress or lack thereof that the company has made in the period it's


reporting and these apply to public companies people privates don't


necessarily file... well the K the Q have to contain an updated income statement [Income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement appear]


balance sheet and cash flow statement along with tons of notes on whatever


business metrics the company regularly reports the number of people made sick


by the lemonade the number a coal miner Barbies sold the number of Disney cruise


passengers infected with Legionnaires disease and so on and if you're the CEO [Person puking off the edge of a cruise ship]


or CFO of the company and you don't get your filings in on time well you'll be


doing a different kind of filing so yeah 10K, 10Q they're really important


don't ignore them...

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