
Categories: Tech, Ethics/Morals

What happens to mummies when they are locked away in crypts. When they come out to attack Tom Cruise, that's called "excryption."

More commonly, it has to do with protecting information. Basically, you're using a code to make it difficult to read something. The simple form of this is when you were a kid and you used numbers to represent letters (A=1, B=2, etc.), and sent coded messages to your friends. ("2/9/12/12/25 9/19 1 19/13/5/12/12/25 8/5/1/4" means "Billy is a smelly head.")

The grown-up version of this involves complicated computer processes to make sure that data, such as financial information or proprietary intellectual property, can't be lifted off servers by hackers. It's the kind of thing that keeps your credit card info (mostly) safe, allowing you to buy stuff off Amazon, or use Paypal.

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