Enterprise Zone

Categories: Entrepreneur

The episode of Star Trek where Starfleet was looking for tax-efficient investments in run-down parts of the Romulan empire.

Here in the 21st century, it’s a geographic region where the government gives certain tax and other incentives to spur business growth. Basically, governments are looking to revitalize an area, so they bend the rules to entice investment.

Your neighborhood is known for abandoned buildings and a certain breed of rat that feeds on small dogs. The city government wants to improve the economic situation there. So it declares the area an enterprise zone.

Any businesses that move into your neighborhood get a pass on paying taxes for five years, and get a fast-track on building permits. The goal is to lure a manufacturer to take over one of the run-down factories currently used by squatters. Or at least draw in some entrepreneurs with disruptive ideas about the rat-hunting space.

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