
Categories: Forex, International

A yen in Japan is just a yen. A yen outside Japan? It's called a euroyen. (Make your own jokes about Japanese tourists...we're certainly not going to.)

The currency in yen-denominated bank accounts outside of Japan is known as "euroyen." And, despite the name, it doesn't just refer to yen located in Europe. Any yen, anywhere in the world (other than Japan) fall under the title.

There is a correlated term dealing with dollars, called "eurodollars." As you probably guessed, these involve dollar-denominated bank accounts outside of the U.S.

Because euroyen (and eurodollars, for that matter) sit outside their home regulatory bodies, they don't fall under the same rules and regulations. Like anyone away from home, they feel a little more free, a little less hemmed in.

Like how you get braids when you're in Jamaica, or drink absinthe in Paris. Like that, only with yen.

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