Financial Blog

A blog devoted to covering one or more aspects of the finance industry.

Blogs, or online web journals, started becoming all the rage back in the late ‘90s. Since then, they’ve permeated every aspect of online life, with topics ranging from needlepoint techniques to doomsday prepping. And the financial industry also gets its fair share of blog attention.

So what do financial blogs talk about? Well, they can cover anything from stock price analysis to market predictions to advice on various investment strategies. They can share relevant news articles, or debate the pros and cons of various retirement plans. They can be the work of one person chillin’ in her kitchen sharing her investment thoughts with the blogosphere, or they can be managed by large financial institutions and have hundreds or thousands of contributors.

Suffice it to say, there are roughly a bajillion different financial blogs out there in the world. So whatever we’re into financially, we can probably find a blog or two that deals with that very topic.

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