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The finmin is back at it, as they say. A “finmin” is newspaper headline speak for “finance minister,” which most countries...have. If you see “Romanian finmin” or “German finmin,” now you know: they’re talking about financial ministers.

If you’re American, you’re probably still a bit in the dark about finmins. A financial minister’s job can depend on the country: some may deal in the government’s coffers, while others might deal in financial regulation. In general though, you could say the U.S.’s finmin is the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury is a member of the President’s Cabinet, acting as the go-to for economic advising to the Prez, serving as the ultimate economic and fiscal policy recommender.

Finmins are a big deal, since they have potential to have such large impacts on the economy. Keep an eye on the headlines for finmins, especially if you’re invested in...well, anything.

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