Forrester Research Customer Experience Index

Thirteen industries. Three areas of questioning. Several thousand customers. Mush ‘em all together and what do we get? We get the Forrester Research Customer Experience Index, or CxPI.

This index shows us how customers rate their experiences with specific companies in terms of meeting their needs, the ease of interactions, and general enjoyability. The higher a company scores, the happier its customers are.

One of the interesting things here is the correlation between a high CxPI and stellar financial performance. Companies with high CxPIs routinely outperform their competitors in terms of revenue and growth. In other words, happy customers are apparently worth beaucoup bucks.

Makes sense, right? If we have a good experience with a company, we tend to do repeat business with them. Not only that, we tend to recommend them to our squad. And the reverse is true for bad customer service. Looking at you, dicey sushi joint down the road.

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