Fortune 100

Want to know which American companies are making bank and taking names? Well, wish = granted, because the Fortune 100 list tells us, in ranked order, the highest revenue-producing companies in the U.S. And when we say “high revenue,” we mean “high revenue.” Walmart, 2018’s #1, cleared $500 billion in 2018. That’s billion with a “b,” guys. General Motors, sliding in at #10, earned $157 billion.

By contrast, the average American household’s income in 2018 was just a skosh under $60,000. That’s thousand with a “t.” These companies are bringing in some serious coin.

Anyway, the Fortune 100 list is a subset of the Fortune 500 list. It’s compiled annually by Fortune magazine and includes many industries, from manufacturing to service to energy production. While money isn’t the only thing that makes the world go ‘round, it’s pretty crucial in the business world; companies that make this list are considered kind of a big deal.

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