Fuzzy Logic

When we make a major purchase, like a new car, tons of factors guide our decision. Start with price: what can we afford? Then we probably look at things like options, power, fuel economy, safety ratings, and storage space. And beyond that, maybe we look for a car that appeals to us on a more personal level: Is it pretty? Does it fit our personality? Do we look cool driving it?

Some of those things are objective, but some, like whether or not the car is pretty, are a lot more subjective, and are, therefore, harder to quantify. Fuzzy. Not like the dice under the rear view mirror.

Fuzzy logic refers to the attempt by mathematicians and scientists to measure those things which are unpredictable, variable, vague, subjective, and ambiguous. (You know, like the human decision-making process: "Do you actually love me?" etc.) It takes all of those variables, both objective and not-so-objective, both clear and vague, and tries to identify the best decision that could be made with the information provided.

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