Garage Liability Insurance

Categories: Insurance

See: Gap Insurance.

You decide to open a garage to hammer and pimp cars for a living. You are doing just fine financially and people are happy with the results. Pink doors, green hubcaps, cars named Muffy and Buffy. But throughout the course of your work, property gets damaged, cars bump into walls, someone slips on some oil and a banana peel and falls. General, everyday accidents come with owning a garage or auto shop.

Being the smart garage owner you are, you bought garage liability insurance, which will cover the costs associated with accidents that happen specifically in a garage. Your business is now covered for any and all accidents that happen throughout the course of your business tenure. Much like car insurance protects you when you're in a car accident, garage liability insurance protects your garage in the event of an accident. Lots of insurance gets sold with very specific intent; experts in garage accidents are simply better at optimally pricing insurance markets they know over those they don't.

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