General Mental Ability (GMA)

A little more in-depth than Intellectual Ability. In theory, it has seven dimensions (kinda like the Deadly Sins):

1) Number aptitude: Doing math in your head…more than just 2+2;

2) Verbal comprehension: Reading or hearing something and actually getting it;

3) Perceptual speed: How quickly you get it;

4) Inductive reasoning: Problem-solving, or predicting outcomes;

5) Deductive reasoning: Figuring out who’s right, or if anyone’s actually right…or at least who’s got the best idea;

6) Spatial visualization: Arranging physical things, or at least imagining what a space would look like if set up in a certain way;

7) Memory: Remembering stuff. People with photographic memories are really good in this area. Think: Sheldon. Same neighborhood.

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