Goldman 360

Categories: Index Funds, Banking

“Goldman 360” is a financial portal developed by Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s most prominent investment banks and financial services companies. It’s a one-stop shop for financial manager types: it’s got research studies, investment guides, stock analysis tools, and outcome calculators. Folks use it to conduct trades, track stock movement, communicate with other brokers or clients, get ideas on where to invest next, and slice and dice with ease.

Okay, that last part, not so much. But it is a super-handy online tool for anyone interested in the financial services that Goldman Sachs has to offer. There’s even an app we can download if we want to access our Goldman 360 info on the go, and it has security protocols in place to make sure that info can be accessed securely.

A pretty neat tool, even if we can’t use it to julienne our veggies. Yet.

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