Gross Sales

"Gross" as in the

Like...the store manager forgot to put out the sign "No Backsies" when she sold 873 wool sweaters from China for $100 each. Gross sales were $87,300. But when 173 people wanted their money back after their bodies started glowing in the dark, presumably from the sweaters made from sheep eating grass very close to a nuclear reactor, the net sales figure shrunk by $17,300 to be $70,000 even.

Gross sales sometimes also include pre-credit-card processing fees. Like...a particular internet "art film" subscription website might sell a month of viewing for $29.95, but that site might incur $2.95 in processing charged on that sale (expensive because of so much fraud), so their gross sale would be $29.95, but their net sale would then be $27 even.

And yes, gross is gross. But these are art films so, uh...we don't judge.

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