Group Of 20 (G20)

Categories: Econ, International

If countries were superheroes, then the G20 would be the equivalent of the Justice League. It represents a conclave of representatives from the twenty most influential economies in the world. Its members collectively represent about 90% of the world's economic output and 80% of its trade.

The core of the G20 is the G7, the superheroes of the superheroes (it used to be the G8, before Russia got the boot). That creme de la creme consists of the U.S., the U.K., Japan, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada. However, Italy and Canada get carded every time.

China, Russia, India, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and South Africa round out the list of G20 countries.

"Wait...that's only 19," you say. True. Though technically not a country, the EU also gets a spot at the G20, bringing the membership up to 20.

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