Harvard MBA Indicator

So...remember that scene from MIB, the first one, where Will Smith first does his interview with K and Zed and the gang, but hasn't yet seen any aliens? He's just in that white egg room about to take a series of exams with The Best of The Best of The Best soldiers. Navy Seals. Army Rangers. Green Berets.

They put them in a fake dark alley and have them shoot at whatever looks dangerous. The Seals Rangers Berets kill basically everything in sight. Will shoots just the little 7-year-old white girl holding that textbook on astrophysics.

Will is right: she is the alien. All the others...now dead, thank you Seals Rangers Berets...were just friendlies trying to live a decent life on earth. The Seals Rangers Berets are the Harvard MBAs.

They generally do the wrong things, at the wrong times, all...by the book. Usually terrible investors. Much of Wall Street wants to do the opposite of what most Harvard MBAs are begging to do.

Oh, and watch Trading Places too. Great film. Different era for the Harvard MBA.

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