Haurlan Index

Categories: Index Funds, Metrics

The Haurlan Index was developed by a rocket scientist (Pete Haurlan, an actual rocket scientist), and remains a measure of market breadth for different lengthed time periods by using a set of moving averages of money volume on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Pete Haurlan combined his rocket science knowledge with his passion for tinkering with the stock market, coming up with a model that covers the short-term, medium-term, and long-term. Not all of us come up with indices in our free time. And that’s okay.

Pete Haurlan was a special guy in a special place at a special time. He started an investment newsletter called Trade Levels in the 1960s. He mastered rocket science and the stock market. It was a special place and time, because he was at the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) at NASA in the 1960s, which means he had access to computer equipment that most other people didn’t at the time. Special, isn't that?

In other words: Haurlan was ahead of his time (and oh so productive).

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