In The Pink

Categories: Marketing

Baby cheeks, lotus flowers, and the middle of a medium-rare filet mignon. What do they all have in common? That’s right: we know they’re good to go when they’re pink.

The color pink is often associated with health and optimism and generally positive things, which is why, when we describe something as being “in the pink,” we’re saying that it’s doing super, thanks for asking.

If we’re physically in the pink, we’re in excellent health. If our company is in the pink, it’s making money and has a good future financial outlook. If a stock is in the pink, it’s showing signs of growth and might be a sound investment opportunity. If Pink is there, it may or may not have anything to do with being "in the pink," but it’s still really cool, and we should at least get an autograph or a pic or something. And if an economy is in the pink, it means that it’s not only experiencing economic growth, but that that growth is positive and sustainable.

Basically, if something is in the pink, no matter what it is, it’s doing well now and is expected to continue to do well in the future.

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