International Reply Coupon - IRC

Categories: Marketing

Remember...letters? Those things that people in Jane Austen novels are always sending each other. Well, if you want to send someone a letter in the U.S. (like, if a nuclear accident destroys the cellular grid, or if you suffer a massive case of amnesia and can't remember the password or security answers for either your cell phone or your email), then you would buy a stamp.

However, if you wanted to send a letter to another country, you might use an International Reply Coupon.

What's more, the IRC also includes return postage, so your foreign pen pal could write you back (that's the "reply" part of "international reply coupon").

Before you run out and buy a bunch of IRCs, though, you should know something: the U.S. Postal Service dropped out of the program in 2013. So, at least for your foreign correspondence, you'll have to hope the cellular network keeps humming.

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