
Categories: Entrepreneur

See: Entrepreneur. See: Inventrepreneur.

We’ve got some big ideas. But we’re not ready to take our big-idea-making brain on a solo tour just yet, so we use it to help improve the organization we work for now instead. In other words, we’re an intrapreneur: we’re kind of like an entrepreneur, but we implement our ideas within our place of employment.

This is a win-win as far as we’re concerned; we get to streamline processes and do market research and all kinds of fun stuff that helps the company out, but we get to do it using the organization’s resources, which means there’s a lot less risk on our part if one of our big ideas doesn’t pan out. Which, of course, would never happen. But...just in case it does, we’re covered. And our organization is A-okay with this; after all, they’re the ones that signed off on our intrapreneurship.

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