Job Lot

Categories: Company Management

Mixing together the 1950s biblical epic craze and the 2010s superhero extended universe trend, Shmoop is proud to announce its Kickstarter campaign for Job & Lot: The Reckoning...the ultimate Bible team-up movie. If the fundraising goes well, expect pre-production for Moses V. Noah, The Smackdown to start soon.

Also, the term refers to a custom-made amount of production.

You own a manufacturing company that makes TVs. In order to track inventory, you make them in lots of 100. However, you receive a special order for 88 TVs from a single client. So you make them a special lot of 88 products...a lot for just one job. A job lot.

The phrase also comes up in commodities trading. A commodities futures contract usually has a standard amount of underlying commodity attached to it. A typical amount of oil, or sugar, or whatever the contract covers. If a futures contract deals with an unusual amount smaller than the standard amount, it is said to be a "job lot."

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