Kotter's 8-Step Plan

No, it’s not a plan to take over the world hatched by Pinky. That plan requires more than eight steps. Nor is it a method to shake addictions. That’s the 12-step plan. But welcome back, anyway.

Mr. Kotter’s eight-step plan is a method for creating change in an organization. Change isn’t easy. No matter how powerful the CEO or President, snapping the fingers (unless you're Thanos) doesn’t make the change happen. Most people resist change…sometimes, they don’t even know why.

The eight steps are:

1) Get everyone stirred up about the change being important.
2) Get a group of people together who can push it on others.
3) Dream up a new organizational vision.
4) Spread the word.
5) Make it lucrative or beneficial for others to hop on the change bandwagon.
6) Anything that is in the winning category for the change…harp on it and put those people on a pedestal.
7) Tweak the change plan as necessary.
8) Make sure the changes stick.

To sum: propaganda, manipulation, and sometimes…bribery.

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