Law Of 29

Categories: Financial Theory

How many times do we need to be told something before it sinks in? According to our significant other, about a hundred. According to the marketing industry, about 29.

That’s right...when companies want consumers to try a new product, they estimate that they need to expose us to said product 29 times. This is called the “Law of 29,” and it involves sending direct messages (emails, snail mail fliers, social media ads, etc.) to potential consumers at a high enough rate of frequency that they’ll eventually be convinced they need to own the product in question.

Of course, the number 29 isn’t a hard-and-fast rule. It’s not like a company is going to say, “Welp, we sent this person 29 messages about our new grill line, so we’re done contacting them forever now.” The theory behind the rule is more important than the actual number; it’s all about barraging prospective customers with a ton of advertising messages—an approach called “drip marketing”—in hopes that the barrage will lead to a sale.

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