Lawrence Ellison

Categories: Tech

Founder of Oracle. Japan-o-phile. Has a massive home in Sil Valley which is built with no nails, i.e. handmade, the way they did 'em in Hiroshima two centuries pre-nuking. You get nice toys when you're a deci-billionaire.

He's a courter of some big Republican candidates. Backed Rubio in a failed bid to win the GOP nom against Trump. Is famous for having given The Penguin Speech ("You know how elephants protect their wounded until they're healed? And you know how penguins find their wounded and peck them to death? I want Oracle to be a company of penguins. Get the weak, the woosy, the wounded...the hell out of here...")

Ellison is also famous for having been accused of a sexual tryst with an old girlfriend who, after hiring the best of the best in retired CIA investigators, was able to prove via tracking cell phone tower connections...that he couldn't possibly have been in the place she said she was when she said he was. She was found guilty in court of perjury and sent to jail for three years.

Clearly a guy you don't want to mess with.

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