Morningstar Sustainability Rating


Categories: Stocks, Metrics

See: Morningstar Inc.

The Morningstar sustainability rating tells us how well certain mutual funds are handling their ESG challenges (that’s environmental, social, and governance), and like the remix to “Ignition,” this rating system is fresh out the kitchen—it’s only existed since August of 2016. It tries to help investors find “sustainable” investment opportunities, i.e., mutual funds or ETFs that align with their environmental, social, and governance-related values.

Want to invest in companies that actively promote women and minorities? Interested in funds that support environmental initiatives? Then the Morningstar sustainability rating system might just help us find what we’re looking for.

Picture a five-star rating system, but instead of stars, let’s be original and use globes. Three globes equals average, so if a mutual fund receives a three-globe rating, that means it’s performing right in line with the rest of the mutual fund pack. As we might expect, a five-globe rating means a fund is awesome, while a one-globe rating means it’s...the opposite of awesome.

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itself is about the same. the people work at both companies all came from about [grinning men walk in front of a school]


the same schools the same semi diversified backgrounds and well they


all eat the same white bread. note the nomenclature differences here though.


Moody's does in fact look kind of moody with a big fat capital letter in the


beginning followed by small letters and slightly different notations. the S&P is


all in caps all shouting all the time. the metrics behind say a quote highly [chart shown]


speculative bond unquote down here are about the same for both companies but


the slight differences are worth noting so that when you see a rating well you


know just by the way in which it's written who wrote it.


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