National Retail Federation - NRF

Categories: Marketing

If we’re a big baseball fan and someone rolls up to us and says they’re going to The Big Show, we’ll probably assume that they’re a minor league ballplayer who’s just been promoted to the majors. But if that person is a retail professional, there’s a good chance that they’re referring to the other Big Show: the annual convention and trade show for the National Retail Federation (NRF), the world’s largest retail trade association.

The National Retail Federation is a retail-based trade association with members from all over the world and from every aspect of the industry—suppliers, Amazon, manufacturers, Amazon, department stores, Amazon, online shops, Amazon, discount stores, Amazon, restaurants, etc. They lobby for retail-friendly laws and regulations, they provide continuing education and offer scholarships for retail-minded folk, and they bestow awards upon worthy companies and individuals. (Oh—and Amazon, that monolith of retail and all it stands for, is also a member.)

Their whole spiel is that they’re a place where retail people can get together, learn from each other, improve retail practices, and fight for the industry’s right to party…and to sell stuff in fair and innovative ways.

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