
Categories: Marketing

Think: Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan...a mash-up.

Neoliberalism is like a sustainable version of libertarianism, meaning laissez-faire economics, but with a little government intervention, only where we need it (like addressing climate change with a carbon tax or similar economic approach, which would help keep the economy going, since we need a place for it). Neoliberals are proponents for the economic growth that free market capitalism provides, but are cool with government intervention to correct market failures and provide a minimum standard of living.

In general, neoliberals think less regulation is better than more regulation. They also like simple, uncomplicated taxes, and think a responsible government—like a responsible person—is one with a balanced budget. Oh, and free trade, because it benefits everyone.

Beyond these things, you’ll find different types of neolibs—some who think negative income taxes or UBI is chill, and other who say “nah, bro.” Many neoliberals are also about spreading democracy and neoliberalism, while others have a more live-and-let-live attitude toward other nations and their socioeconomic way of living.

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