Option Adjustable-Rate Mortgage - Option ARM


Categories: Mortgage

“Option adjustable-rate mortgages,” or option ARMs, became all the rage back in 2004. On the surface, they sure can look like a good deal: we get a nice, low introductory interest rate on the loan for the first few years or so, and not only that, we have a bunch of options for how we want to pay our mortgage every month. Low rates and flexible payment options? Sounds like a dream, right? After all, if our interest rates are low and we have the option of not making a full payment every month, then we can afford to get a nicer house in a better neighborhood.

But let’s back up to that part about not making a full payment for a sec. One of the most enticing things about option ARMs is also one of its most dangerous. When we have an option ARM, we can typically choose to make one of three types of payments every month. First, we can pay the principal and interest that are due for the month in full. This is ideal, and is how most traditional mortgages work. If we can’t quite swing that this month, we also have the option of just paying the interest. This is less ideal, because we’re not paying down the principal of the loan, and as a result, it’s just going to incur more interest that we’re eventually going to have to pay off as well. But if we’re in a real financial jam one month, we might decide it’s worth it to do it anyway. The third option is the minimum payment option, which allows us to make an itty bitty monthly payment that doesn’t quite cover the interest due and certainly doesn’t pay down the loan’s balance. This is pretty much the worst thing we can do, other than paying nothing at all. We’re not paying down the loan, we’re not paying down the interest, and now we’re going to end up paying interest on interest. The overall amount we owe is increasing, not decreasing, and if the value of our new home isn’t also increasing, we’re going to find ourselves upside-down on our mortgage and potentially in danger of losing the house. This is bad, bad, bad.

It’s so bad, in fact, that economic analysts tend to give option ARMs a big ol’ frowny face accompanied by two thumbs down. In fact, many of them say option ARMs are partially responsible for the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007-08: as housing values fell and the job market deteriorated, people who probably shouldn’t have gotten approved for big mortgages anyway found themselves unable to make loan payments and unable to sell their home for anything near what they’d paid for it. Not only that, but remember that nice, low introductory interest rate we mentioned? Yeah, that’s only in effect for the first few years of our mortgage. Once that rate expires, the mortgage adjusts to the current market interest rate, which is, of course, much, much higher than the intro rate. This means the mortgage payments themselves are much higher, and if we’re consistently making minimum or interest-only payments on the loan, those higher rates can mean we’ve signed up for a mortgage we’ll never be able to pay off.

But look, it’s not all doom and gloom in the option ARM world. There are homeowners out there who can really benefit from this type of mortgage. Like...let’s say we make a quite decent amount of money and are certain we can pay off the mortgage in its entirety before the introductory interest rate expires, or soon thereafter. Or let’s say the payment options appeal to us because, even though we make enough annually to comfortably make our mortgage payments, our income isn’t the same from month to month. An option ARM gives us the choice to make a full payment this month, an interest-only payment the month after, and then a double payment the month after that to make up for the second month. So that can be helpful. But by and large, if we’re considering buying a house or refinancing an existing home loan, we should definitely read all of the fine print—and make sure we can actually afford the loan—before we sign on any dotted lines.

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Finance allah shmoop What is adjustable rate mortgage or arm


Well here's an arm and here's a leg and that's


What Renting the money to buy a home costs you


Yeah Okay Eight r m stands for adjustable rate mortgage


The rate well that's The interest cost of the money


or the cost of renting that money to buy the


home Well the rate isn't it fixed in this case


like five point seven percent for thirty years Where you


know in advance that your monthly payments going to be


nine hundred forty three bucks a month or whatever it


is that would be a fixed mortgage a fixed number


You can count on it for all three hundred sixty


payments And then the house is all yours So that's


fixed then what's adjustable like yes the interest rate changes


But how does it change Well in a standard arm


there is some global standard on which the rates are


often price like lie bore the london interbank borrowing offering


rate It's one of the key things that price is


the cost of renting money all around the world with


the actual rate of libel or is generally reserved for


banks like super cheap cost of renting money to banks


who are very likely to pay back the money with


no hassle that rate is more or less what banks


pay for running the money along with blue chip customers


in real life The banks then mark up a premium


on top of the rate that they're paying to rent


the money to themselves And then they resell or re


rent that money teo their prized customers So the pricing


of bank my views in renting money to joe six


pack could be something like lie boer plus three percent


or three hundred basis points So if libel or is


it didn't say two and a half percent today the


adjustable rate might be five and a half percent and


all that's great honor given alone It might mean that


for a while you're paying seven hundred twelve dollars a


month for your house payment wonderfully cheap and in fact


banks market these low rates initially to help people be


able to afford tto by that new home and live


of the dream You know the american dream usually with


an arm there's a teaser rate that starts really low


Like at live or live or plus ten basis points


or something like ridiculously cheap for six months or a


year something like that Then it has an incremental set


of step ups in interest costs and venit adjust with


the markets usually upward maybe upward by a lot Remember


there's a reason it's called a teaser rate but then


if we get inflation or a you know just bank


nervousness for there are weird effects from brexit or the


volume of transactions going through london or something weird happens


Well then the liquidity drops and interest rates rise So


now lie board goes up and up and up to


four and a half percent and wealth contractually in your


mortgage paperwork you have to pay live or plus three


hundred basis points no matter what So now that's seven


and a half percent interest on the dough you borrowed


and well we're that toe happen It's likely that your


monthly payment has skyrocketed from seven hundred twelve dollars a


month is something more like twelve hundred dollars a month


or more Can you handle that big of a payment


Well have you done a fixed rate loan at nine


Hundred forty three dollars a month Well you'd still be


paying on that number but you rolled the dice with


an arm and now you owe big bills There go


that arm and a leg thing we warned you about 00:03:26.033 --> [endTime] eh

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