
Categories: Company Management

Whether you’re leaving your job on your terms or on your employer’s terms, you’ll be lucky if you’re offered outplacement services.

Outplacement helps you find a new place out in the world...a new place to work, that is. Some companies and orgs work offer outplacement to help their leaving employees transition elsewhere. What pals.

If your company does do outplacement, it’s likely they contract that work out to a firm that’s all about outplacement. What will you get in your outplacement package? It could include helpful job-hunting advice (resumes, interviews, etc.), workshops, and even counseling.

Why would a company bother with outplacement? Well, if they’ve got the money and want to keep morale up, it’s a smart move. Rather than seeing fellow employees jump ship or get walked off the plank, outplacement services make current employees feel more at ease. It’s almost a reverse psychology thing: we’ll make leaving our company so pleasant that you’ll love us enough to stay instead.

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