Oversold Bounce

Categories: Trading, Charts

You loved The Vomitmaker, a new video game that every kid wanted and every janitor hated. Played all over schools, all around the world. It was $100 a share and stayed there a while...until Dramamine sponsored the game. Then the game's, um, denouement...stopped happening. The stock plummeted to $32...the bounce...but then the non-believers sold in another wave and the stock's bounce became oversold, as shares went to $18. With $22 a share in cash and $5 in tax losses and other real estate and patents, investors were valuing the operations of the company at less than zero, like a Mel Gibson movie nowadays.

So you bought in big, believing that vomit would return as the fancy of teenage boys. And you hoped the bounce's oversold status would go away, like the smell of three-day-old vomit.

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Finance: What is Dead Cat Bounce?13 Views


Finance allah shmoop What is a dead cat bounce It


sounds like a dance move from the old west right


but it actually refers to a terrible situation when the


market plummets rebounds very slightly and then plummets again The


idea comes from the notion of dropping a cat off


of a high building It hits the cement dead bounces


a bit before then is a big wet thud Yeah


peeta no cats were harmed in the production of this


definition Thie market has fallen from five thousand twelve hundred


now it's at fourteen hundred and now it's back to


twelve hundred Yeah that uplift of two hundred points there


from twelve hundred fourteen hundred before it went back twelve


hundred which is the concrete that's the dead cat bounce


I'm not totally sure who came up with this term 00:00:50.247 --> [endTime] but wei have a pretty good idea

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