Pre-Existing Condition

Categories: Insurance

The bane of the insurance industry and those who are ill.

You have already been diagnosed with diabetes. For whatever reason, you had no insurance when that swelling in your leg wouldn't go away and you just had to see a doc. Now it's documented that you already had diabetes when you had no insurance. So all the treatment for that disease is on you, not on your new insurance company. The diabetes was a pre-existing condition; it already existed as a problem or health condition before you started paying your new heath insurance.

This kind of makes sense. If you're the insurance company, why would you want to accept as a new client someone who already has a very expensive-to-treat problem? You're a business. You run for profits. You don't run or exist to donate money (losses) to someone with an illness. So why would you, the for-profit insurance company, want to take shareholder money and donate it to the person with the pre-existing condition?

You wouldn't. And you don't. You can take them on as a customer, but you hold out treatment related to their diabetes condition as being on them, not you.

See: Obamacare.

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