Prima Facie

Categories: Regulations

On its face. Like a cream pie thrown from a clown.

Prima Facie just refers to things that "are what they seem to be." A guy is standing there holding a smoking gun; another guy is on the floor with a hole in his chest. Witnesses in the room next door heard a bang. The prima facie conclusion is that an alien came down from Mars, shot the dead guy, and handed a warm gun to the wrongly perceived shooter.

Um, no. That's the opposite. Prima Facie would just say that the guy standing there with the smoking gun shot the dead guy. May have been good reason (the dead guy apparently snored very loudly), but...standing guy shot dead guy. That's prima facie, i.e. "what happened."

Now apply all of this to valuations of companies, and you get the gist.

See: Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.

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