Primary Business Purpose

So...why are you going to Florida? Ohh, Harry Potter World, cool. Disney World, cool. What?

Yep, all expenses paid, but only if the trip is primary business purpose.

Primary business purpose is a descriptive phrase for business trips...letting you know that they’re business trips. The test? If you wouldn’t be going on the trip otherwise, then it’s a primary business purpose.

If you were going to go to Harry Potter world and Disney World anyway, well…that means the trip was just as much business as it was vacation. And by the law of work-is-no-fun, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Part of the business trip can be for fun, but only as an add-on, not the main schtick.

Who cares if your trip was primary business purpose or not? The IRS does. Don’t you feel them mouth-breathing down your neck right now?

If a trip is primary business purpose, you can deduct transport and lodging costs, as well as some of the grub. If the trip is just for funzies, no tax breaks for you, Hermione.

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