Quality Management

Categories: Company Management

Ever checked into a hotel where the clerk was chewing gum so hard you couldn't understand what she was saying? Or where the hotel got your room wrong? Or you schlepped your luggage up 3 flights of stairs...only to learn that the clerk gave you mag stripe keys that didn't work. You then go downstairs, and she smiles... "Whoops, oh yeah, I guess I swiped the wrong room." So then, 23 sweaty minutes later, you fiinally get into your room, swearing you'll never frequent that hotel again.

Bad quality management. The manager of that hotel should be fired, and likely fire the workers who clearly don't give half a crap about the quality of their service/product. For most companies, caring about the details like this is "everything," whether it's hotel services or mugwump stampers or toothbrushes being made. Lots of little details. Employees who just don't care need to be fired fast and replaced with people who do...and that's the job of the manager.

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