Quarter On Quarter - QOQ

Categories: Accounting

Sequential quarters. Like...Q3 on Q2's numbers were...what? How'd revenues change? Earnings? EBITDA?

Remember the magic formula: New minus Old over Old. So if Q3's revenues were $20 mil and Q2's were $17 mil, then the delta, Q on Q, was 20 minus 17...then over Old, which was $17...so you get 3 over 17, for a delta of about 17.6%.

Big growth. Big Q on Q action. Ahem.

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Finance: What are a 10K and 10Q?57 Views


finance a la shmoop what are 10K and 10Q filings well as the pros say 10Q


very much yeah you know we had to go there sorry well they're just filings a [Girl filing her fingernails]


different kind of filings legal filings papers or data


well the 10K is the annual report and the 10Q is the quarterly report their


note the Q in there yeah very clever naming their people well we have no idea


why the K is there like shouldn't it have been a 10A fling equals annual


anyway the filings contain the key elements that report to shareholders the [Man giving presentation to shareholders]


progress or lack thereof that the company has made in the period it's


reporting and these apply to public companies people privates don't


necessarily file... well the K the Q have to contain an updated income statement [Income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement appear]


balance sheet and cash flow statement along with tons of notes on whatever


business metrics the company regularly reports the number of people made sick


by the lemonade the number a coal miner Barbies sold the number of Disney cruise


passengers infected with Legionnaires disease and so on and if you're the CEO [Person puking off the edge of a cruise ship]


or CFO of the company and you don't get your filings in on time well you'll be


doing a different kind of filing so yeah 10K, 10Q they're really important


don't ignore them...

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