Scheduled Recast


Categories: Mortgage

When we first bought our love potion starter collection from Madame Destinia, she warned us that we’d have to repeat the love spell we’re casting once a month for six months for it to really take. We definitely want it to take, so we set ourselves a little reminder on our phone: on the first of every month, we’ve got a scheduled recast of our love spell. That girl from the bus stop will never know what hit her.

Of course, in the mortgage world, the term “scheduled recast” means something totally different. And, surprise, it has nothing to do with spells and love potions.

In the mortgage world, a “scheduled recast” is when our mortgage payments automatically adjust according to a predetermined adjustment schedule. We’ll see this most often in the option ARM world, where we can pay different amounts toward the mortgage loan every month.

Like...let’s say we just secured a 30-year option ARM mortgage with an introductory interest rate of 2.79%. Every month, we can make the full principal-plus-interest payment of $1,000, we can make an interest-only payment, or we can make an even smaller minimum payment. After 24 months, as per our loan agreement, we’ll hit our first scheduled recast date. This means our lender is going to look at how much we owe, how much we’ve paid off, and our payment history, and they’re going to redo our payment schedule and amount based on those numbers. If we haven’t been making the full payment every month, there’s a good chance our payment amount could go up, in addition to our interest rate increasing.

Scheduled recasts are outlined in our mortgage docs, so if we are thinking of going the option ARM route, we should pay close attention to when they are, and what the recast will mean for us.

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Finance: What is a Reverse Mortgage?6 Views


Finance allah shmoop What is a reverse mortgage All right


people let's start with a normal mortgage You put one


hundred grand down borrow three hundred grand and are the


proud new owner of this baby in palo alto california


You make payments for thirty years at five percent interest


and then you retire their debt free So that's a


mortgage but what's a reverse mortgage Like one of these


egg trump Well kind of at least financially the payments


go in the opposite direction of a normal mortgage Like


you're old you just want to live out your remaining


years with the basic comforts Shower seats stair lift high


absorption adult diapers You own all of your home No


mortgage on it You paid it all off The home


is now worth a million box Nice shoebox There you


can do a reverse mortgage pledging your home is an


asset and basically just receiving a payment of l say


five grand a month from that reverse mortgage and you'll


get to deduct interest costs as you go Justus if


it were a normal mortgage well after forty months you


you know croak in that time period you've taken out


Forty times five grand or two hundred grand in loans


plus some interest and you sell your home for a


cool million Rather your heirs dio So what happens now


Well they just take the million bucks from the sale


write a check for two hundred grand and change to


the bank to pay off the reverse mortgage that you


had accrued while you were you know wasting away to


nothing and your heirs end up happy like they miss


you But you know a free stair lift Who are 00:01:37.997 --> [endTime] you

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