Shotgun Wedding

Well, in real life, a shotgun wedding happens when the bride and groom have had uh, pre-marital "relations" and there's a 3rd human starting to bake in the oven. The bride's father is none to happy about the notion of having a bastard. So he calls upon Clint, his fav shotgun and the groom has the choice of either marryin' the now-pregnant daughter; or getting his junk shot off.

Usually, grooms choose the former.

In FinanceLand, mergers happen this way, at times. A company has to either sell itself to another--or face some form of certain death. Think: A given distribution company or online sales entity decides it wants to buy Whoever would like to not have to sell; but the fact is that sells 99 percent of its product through that online dstributor (hello, Amazon) and should try to go it alone, without Amazon selling their wares, then should surely die.

So there is white lace. A wine glass to step upon. And a throaty Mazel Tov as the union is completed and the shot gun shells unloaded.

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