Stutzer Index


Categories: Investing, Metrics

Sounds like Yiddish for a back seat Saturday night escapade, doesn't' it?'s not.

The Stutzer index is a tool for analyzing investment performance. It’s nice for hedge funds in particular, since it doesn’t assume a normal distribution.

The Stutzer index assumes that portfolio managers design investment portfolios with the expected outcome of negative returns over a benchmark converging to zero in the long-run. It works by favoring higher values, and penalizing underperformance. This results in the index favoring portfolios with fewer extreme variations, which should give the portfolio a better-than-average shot in market returns.

The nice thing about the Stutzer index is that it’s more robust than some really basic investment portfolio performance measures, but it’s still accessible enough that you could do it on a spreadsheet.

However, it does take a lot of data over time before it will give you legit results. Also, it doesn’t take into account the fact that people get more risk averse as they get closer to retirement...or that, maybe the other way around, people get less risk averse as they have more money to play with.

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Finance: What is an Institutional Invest...1 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is an institutional investor? institution think


mutual fund company like fidelity or Wellington or State Street or Blackrock [Mutual fund companies appear]


also think hedge fund think giant pension fund or even a small one the


"institutional" part of this term means that the investor is a


professional they've likely gone to grad school taken a bunch of licensing exams


are really good at math and accounting good at poker probably as well [Person checks cards on poker table]


apprenticed with old people who mumble through chewed cigars about what the IPO


of Ford was like with Henry that whippersnapper and those investors are


professionally responsible for managing OPM other people's money standards are


higher when you lose someone else's money versus your own


well the institution behind them raises and retains the dough which is they then [Investor receives cash]


invest often in large chunks and their viewed as a different class by many


because unlike the cardiologists investor Club of Northeast Milwaukee


these investors actually understand the risks they're taking when they invest so [Men stood outside cardiologist investor club sign]


if a given stock shows tens of thousands of hundreds share trades odds are good


that cardiologists and their friends are buying in on tips they got from the golf


course if the trade blocks are in hunks of a hundred thousand or a million [Stocks in a sack of million shares]


shares each per block that is odds are good that well these are schooled


institutions buying and selling shares with a presumption that the


institutional investors will generally know what they're doing or at least more


so than the you know non institutional getting there so why would you want to


be an institutional investor? answer = bank if you're good and very very few people [Man discussing institutional investors]


actually are but if you are one of the vaunted few the proud the knowledgeable


who beats the market regularly in good markets and bad and can do it at scale


on hundreds of millions or billions of dollars invested well then you can


expect to make tens of millions of dollars a year [Man throws cash into the air]


shepherding the wealth of the wealthy or at least of


masses collecting your fees and whining about taxes until the cows come home [Cows appear on a field]


when did they leave anyway?

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