Temporal Method


Categories: Accounting, Forex

You run a multinational corporation. You receive revenue in a lot of different currencies. However, you're headquartered in NYC, so you report your income statements in dollars. When your quarterly report gets released, all those other currencies have to get translated into U.S. dollars so you can come up with an integrated bottom line.

You aren't necessarily exchanging these currencies in real life. You're only making an exchange for record-presentation reasons. Your French subsidiary gets paid in euros, compensates its employees in euros, and keeps all its profits in French banks (still in euros). Those euros never get turned into dollars.

The functional currency for that subsidiary is euros. However, you have to provide earnings statements in dollars. So, on paper, you have to do a translation. One way to do it would be to just look up the euro-to-dollar exchange rate on the day you put together your earnings report and use that figure. That choice might not give a very accurate reading, though.

Another option exists. The temporal method. Under this procedure, the exchange rates involved in the earnings statement get figured at different times ("time" and "temporal" mean close to the same thing). The moment assets and liabilities are added to the books is when the exchange rate is figured...the rate at that particular moment. Because once those assets and liabilities are acquired, they aren't getting exchanged. They'll remain in their functional currencies from then on. The exchange rate doesn't impact them. The rate only matters at the moment they were acquired.

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Finance a la shmoop what is an ex change rate? alright I give you two cleary's for


one cat eye you give me to come quat's for one banana with the peel on this [Person trades come quats for banana]


time thank you I give you forty two thousand three


hundred eighty two dollars for this new Ford Hemi truck with the awooga horn yep


these are all exchange rates marbles for marbles fruit for fruit and well dollars


for trucks with awooga horns in place just do what you know... people off well in


more common financee parlance exchange rates focus on the trading back and


forth of national currencies while each country or region generally has its own [Selection of currencies appear and man holding an Uzi]


currency printing more of that currency lets the government pay its bills more


easily if it's not collecting enough dough in taxes but if it prints too much


of that currency well then it falls in value relative to the currencies of


other countries think about that you print lots of dollars and you have lots


of debt well then it's easy to pay back your debt right but if you do that too [Money transfers into debt]


long people don't trust your currency and then it creates all kinds of havoc


when you want to trade with them well when all that happens and it's volatile


currencies back and forth the goods of the inflated country seem cheap to other


countries and in theory well then they buy more stuff from the country that's [Other countries trading from inflated country]


got cheap currency and it makes it much more expensive for the inflated currency


country to then buy more from the we don't print too much currency country


one euro cost about two US dollars when it first came out in the early 90s a


nice hotel that was 250 a night in Paris cost a US currency holder about 500


bucks right like it was 250 euros it was 500 US dollars pay for that same hotel


so you can imagine there were not a whole lot of US tourists anxious to rent


Hotel nights from Rue de la blah blah blah but when Europeans looked at buying [eBay website appears]


american-made speedo swimsuits oh yeah they were cheap and clearly too many


Europeans bought them but then the euro fell into closer parity with the US


dollar in part because faith in their economic union fell and because the US


appeared to be printing money at a slower pace than worthy Europeans and


the public kind of wanted US dollars instead of euros because they thought


the US a little bit more secure so what happened well the relative


inflation of the US was in better shape than that of Europe


so today the exchange rate after a long time decades is now about one to one [Man discussing exchange rates]


meaning one US dollar buys you about one euro and same vice versa yeah so


you'd say that the rate of euros to dollars is about even and coincidentally


a US dollar buys you about 100 new Japanese yen and a US dollar buys about


600,000 Zimbabwean dollars and let's see US dollar also buys fourteen thousand


galleons if you know you're vacationing at Hogwarts lovely time [Hogwarts castle appears]

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