Vertical Well

Categories: Company Management

A vertical well is old school drilling tech: just drilling straight to the source of oil or natural gas.

It doesn’t have to be perfectly straight to be considered a vertical well, but the point is this: a vertical well doesn’t include any horizontal drilling, where you might drill down vertically, and then horizontally, which is often done nowadays. People’s houses might be in the way of direct drilling, or maybe the ground is softer over yonder, making the case for some horizontal drilling.

Vertical wells are still used today when they make sense, but it was the only economically viable alternative at one point, since directional boring is more expensive (and, at one point, prohibitively expensive).

If you use a vertical well, you will likely have to drill many of them to extract all the oil and/or natural gas out of the underground pit. With horizontal drilling, you can drill into the bottom of the pit and get everything in one fell swoop, like drilling a hole at the bottom-side of a glass of water. This is why directional boring is getting more and more popular.

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