Zacks Investment Research

Categories: Education, Index Funds

If MIT is Morpheus, Len Zacks is Neo. Len Zacks got his PhD at MIT, then founded Zacks Investment Research in the late 70s to do research on investment.

What did he learn? For one, the revisions to earnings estimates really affect people’s sensitivity to stocks, which affects stock prices. This is oversimplifying things, but basically...if you’re performing less-well than you told everyone, and find yourself having to backtrack and edit your estimates, it really lowers people’s confidence in your biz, more than anything else. It’s like that saying: under-promise and over-deliver. Always a good plan of attack.

Back to Zack: Zacks Investment Research has also researched a bunch of other things, helping people invest more wisely with data. Thousands of data analysts use it, as well as brokerages. It’s a highly trusted resource in the space, since they’re a bunch of math nerds selling their unbiased opinions. Everybody loves Zack (now in syndication on TBS).

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