Review Topics
Practice Exams
Write all over your test booklet, except when you're not allowed to write in your test booklet. That's what instructions are for.

Practice Exams

All the tests are here on one page
Series 65 Practice Exams:

Ok, ready to tackle a Practice Exam?

We recommend taking this whole thing down - in order - in one sitting. The idea is to stimulate your "game day" experience. Stamina and concentration will be a key to success on game day, so consider this as part as your training.

Once you begin a section, don't stop. If you leave your Multiple Choice section, we'll save your answers, but you will need to start the section over again (and reset the clock) if you return.

Ready? Go get 'em!

Exam 1

180 minutes required

Begin exam >

Exam 2

180 minutes required

Begin exam >

Exam 3

180 minutes required

Begin exam >
  Grey exercises have been locked by your teacher.