1 Chronicles Chapter 14 Summary

You're Going Down, Philistines

  • Back in Jerusalem, David is sitting pretty. He takes on a few more wives and they start producing princes and princesses.
  • Obviously, the Philistines are worried. They just got rid of Saul and now some other more powerful, more holy, more awesome king has risen up in his place.
  • So they set out to attack David.
  • But David (who's pretty smart) asks God what he should do. God tells David it's okay to go out and crush the Philistine army.
  • And that's just what David does. Well, he actually beats them into surrendering and then burns them alive, but still.
  • When Philistine soldiers attack again, David consults God. This time, Yahweh gives him some specific battle directions and David's victorious. God's pretty good at war games.
  • David's victories against the Philistines make him famous and all the other nations start to fear Israel. That's just how David and God like it.