Mr. Charrington Timeline and Summary


Mr. Charrington Timeline and Summary

  • Mr. Charrington sells Winston the "peculiarly beautiful book" with the "smooth creamy paper" that Winston uses as his diary of diatribes against the Party.
  • Mr. Charrington recognizes Winston, who is taking a little nighttime stroll in the Prole district one evening.
  • The two chat about the "young lady’s keepsake album" Winston bought, and then Mr. Charrington goes on to sell Winston a coral paperweight.
  • Mr. Charrington shows Winston the empty room atop his shop, and explains that he and his wife lived there until she died. Now, he says, he is selling the furniture off little by little.
  • Mr. Charrington shows Winston the print of St. Clement’s Church hanging in the room, and begins to teach Winston the rhyme about the bells of St. Clement’s.
  • We find out from Winston that he has rented the room from Mr. Charrington so he and Julia can meet privately and away from the scrutiny of telescreens.
  • When Winston and Julia are caught, Mr. Charrington is the voice behind the print of St. Clement’s Church that says: "you are the dead." The house is then surrounded by Thought Police, and Mr. Charrington finally reveals himself – without the spectacles and the cockney accent – as a member of the Thought Police.