A Great and Terrible Beauty Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Great and Terrible Beauty? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does a deer represent?

Pure power
Coat hangers
Q. What does Gemma use the cave for?

Storing all of her ball gowns
Playing with her friends
Figuring out who she is
Q. Why does Tom shut his little curtain?

To block out the hard stuff
Because the view is boring
So he can take a nap in peace
Because the sun is wicked bright
Q. What does it mean when Gemma paints a misshapen apple?

That she doesn't know how to paint
That she wants to be normal, like Cecily
That she wants to be like Picasso
That she wants to experience life as a free person
Q. Why doesn't Cecily like Gemma's painting?

She wants to be a perfect wife and mother, and be rich.
She is just being snotty.
She does like it, what are you talking about?
She only likes Red Delicious apples.