A Hologram for the King Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around A Hologram for the King? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does KAEC symbolize for Alan when he first sees it?

Opportunity and potential
Poor planning and lack of will
Man (0), Nature (1)
Q. When Alan first approaches KAEC, he sees workers attempting to sweep the desert sand off the road. What does this action likely represent?

The strength of human will
The ingenuity of King Abdullah
The futility of human activity
Full employment in the city
Q. The harshness of the landscape around Yousef's ancestral home inspires what thought in Alan?

God is a great and exacting ruler.
The earth is varied and vast.
There must be so much oil under the mountains.
Nature sincerely wants to kill all humans.
Q. King Abdullah is a bit like:

All of these
Q. Alan likes the idea of walking around in the foundations of the unfinished building in KAEC, but the image is a bit symbolic. Why?

Alan's at the lowest point in his life
Alan is no longer in the business of building things.
Alan could never afford to buy a space in that building.
Alan looks like a mad man stalking around the space.