Adam Bede Chapter 25 Summary

The Games

  • Let the games begin! Since "the great dance was not to begin until eight o'clock," the Donnithornes have set up some races, contests, and other amusements to help their guests pass the time (25.1).
  • By modern standards, though, Donnithorne and Company have some weird game ideas. Like the "Climb a Slippery Pole Challenge." Like the "Race for Old Women Only."
  • But Arthur and his relatives—elegant Miss Lydia, "delicately clean, finely scented," and totally dislikable old Squire Donnithorne—are watching attentively (25.3).
  • Now, we know all the major residents of Hayslope. But Mrs. Irwine (also in attendance) doesn't. So Arthur and Mr. Irwine pass the time by pointing out handsome Seth Bede, pretty Hetty Sorrel, and a few others for her benefit.
  • The sack race (yes, there are a couple of relatively normal games) has just concluded. Pretty young Bessy Cranage is the winner. She had hoped to win a nice dress or something, but Miss Lydia hands her "an excellent grogram gown and a piece of flannel" (25.26). Strong, sturdy, and unbearably ugly clothes.
  • Bessy is upset. In fact, she runs off and cries, little knowing that Arthur wants to give her "a present of money before the day was over" (25.35). But everyone else is having fun: the donkey race is underway. And the gifts for the men, at least, are pretty cool.
  • The games are wrapping up when one of the more eccentric Hayslopers, Wiry Ben, decides he'll perform a dance for everyone.
  • Ahh, simpler times.