After Apple-Picking Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Frost's family farm did indeed have "a good-sized apple orchard" as well as peach and pear trees. (Source)

Some critics believe that "After Apple-Picking" is a subtle complaint about how Frost was sick of writing poetry. He was tired of the "harvest" of his poems, even though he had "once desired" to be a poet. (Source)

Did you know that Frost wrote greeting cards? Well, he didn't. But this hilarious list of satirical Frost cards pokes fun at the way the poet has been sentimentalized on the basis of poems like "The Road Not Taken," which, we'll admit, works great on "Congrats, Graduate!" cards.

The McIntosh apple is the most popular apple to pick in the northeastern part of the United States. Or at least it was back in the 1970s. That's our favorite apple, too! (Source)