Airplane! Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Airplane!.

Quote #1

TED STRIKER: You know I haven't been able to get near an airplane since the war. And even if I could, they wouldn't hire me because of my war record.

This line from Ted, concerning his uncomfortable military past, is straight outta Zero Hour!. It was a serious commentary about how a person's war record could affect his civilian life later on, especially if there were bad outcomes.

Quote #2

ELAINE: What's hurt you the most is your record since the war. Different cities, different jobs, and not one of them shows you can accept any real responsibility.

In 1980, when Airplane! was released, the memory of the Vietnam War was still fresh. Ted's reality is similar to that of many veterans coming home, trying to reintegrate as functioning members of society. Elaine seems to be blaming Ted for being a slacker, but the poor guy is tormented by flashbacks and panic attacks. Isn't it more than a failure to accept responsibility?

Quote #3

FLASHBACK VOICEOVER: The decision to proceed is yours.

Through grainy black and white flashbacks of war footage, we catch glimpses throughout the film into Ted's psyche. These memories still haunt him. The flashback tells him that he was the one who made the decision to proceed with the disastrous mission.