Aladdin Scene 17 Summary

  • What would a magic carpet ride be without a little song?
  • "A Whole New World" is about—what else?—seeing a whole new world.
  • Remember, Jasmine hasn't seen anything of the world outside her home. Now she's about to fly around the world with this dreamy prince.
  • Most romantic first date ever.
  • Aladdin and Jasmine finally wind up somewhere in China (yeah, it's a really long magic carpet ride) watching fireworks from a rooftop.
  • But Jasmine's no dummy (and Aladdin's not actually really great at lying), so she casually asks about Abu.
  • Aladdin slips and responds to the question.
  • Ah! So, Prince Ali is the boy from the marketplace. It's time for the truth.
  • The truth? Aladdin tells Jasmine that the truth is that he dresses as a commoner sometimes but he really is a prince.
  • This, of course, is a lie.
  • Jasmine seems to buy it, though, so all is well for now.
  • Back at the palace, Aladdin returns Jasmine to her room, and they share a kiss on her balcony.
  • Could things be any better for Aladdin right now?